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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:09 am |
Joined: Jun 20, 2012 Posts: 1173
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country
Hello all,
Last empty tank I fuel up with Tesco's diesel (normally fuel up at ASDA's), and soon after noticed that the car's torque went down. Do they really have worse diesel there at Tesco's ?
Last week I had holiday, the car was parked unused.
When back, checked for any leaks - there was an oil on the ground of about a square inch, and engine mount looked oily (the black-from-oil rounded thing at the slightly lower-right of the picture):

When I restarted driving the car, now it feels as if it gets extra 20 horses at certain revs/gears intermittently. Feeling in 2nd and 3rd that it torques for a couple of seconds with accelerator pedal kept unchanged.
I read about engine mounts being loose -- and to tell you more, I crashed into another car 6 weeks ago @ 15MPH -- only front was bent, radiator dislocated, now fixed, engine looked stable, no leaks.
What do you think could be the reason? Where should I look first? And is it critical you think (I should contact my mechanic without too much of DIYing,, my fav part is the latter though :))
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:11 pm |
Joined: Jul 26, 2012 Posts: 85
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Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby
Is there much smoke from exhaust when it happens?? Sounds like the turbo giving up and sucking oil into the combustion system.
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:14 pm |
Joined: Sep 12, 2012 Posts: 383
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Location: Flintshire, North Wales
could it be something as simple as the thermo sensor causing it too rev? just wondering
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:18 pm |
Joined: Jul 26, 2012 Posts: 85
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Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby
I know on some petrol models there an issue with the throttle sensor playing up and doing exactly this problem. It miss reads the throttle postions and chucks fuel in.
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Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:43 am |
Joined: Jun 20, 2012 Posts: 1173
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country
Ok, I will check those bits, thank you!
Also I got confirmed from yet another person that ASDA's diesel is way more combustible and the car can actually perform for what its worth.
No more fuelling diesel at Tesco's...
Will fuel up at ASDA's next week, and will tell you the difference (I hope the whole problem is just in the fuel)
We'll wait and see
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Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:08 am |
Joined: Jul 30, 2012 Posts: 28
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Location: Blackpool
My old ford mondeo diesel used to hate texaco and morrisons fuel (lower mpg and not as responsive) but ran well on shell. Will be interesting to see if you find a difference too. Never tried asda or tesco fuel myself.
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