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Uz's SW. GT Front Arches Fitted.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:26 pm Up
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Location: No Man's Land

Car - Peugeot 206 20i HDi 'S'
Type - SW (Station Wagon)
Year - 2004 04 Reg
Mileage - 64,000

Dad bought it for me as a surprise as I kept going on about wanting to have one instead of the XSi 'Quiksilver' that I've recently finished.

The car was again bought from the Auction that my dad and me buy all our salvage cars from.

Pics of the car from the auction.







The car is a CAT C insurance damage and does have the following damage;

- Very Light Frontal Damage
- Passenger Side Suspension Damage
- Drivers Side Sill, A-Post & Door Damage

The mains reason for why I wanted a HDi SW over a SW or the XSi are;

- My little bro require special wheel chairs and seats which are far too big to fit in the boot of the XSi
- Also I will be travel to and from Uni everyday as of September and needed something more economical.

More to this space Wink

Last edited by Uz on Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:42 am; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:27 pm Up
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The route that I am taking with this car is Euro/Cleaned.

Plans for the car;
- GT Front Bumper
- GTi 'Flared' Front Wings
- Colour Coded Bumpers & Side Strips
- Colour Coded Roof Rails
- Gloss Black Roof Strips
- Gloss Black Door Pillars
- Gloss Black Bumper Grille
- Gloss Black Lion
- GTi Gloss Black Wing Mirrors
- Peugeot SP Upper Mesh Grilles
- Peugeot SP Bonnet Mesh Grilles
- Coilover Kit
- Gloss Black Rear Door Handles (blend into Gloss Black Door Pillars
- 100% Limo Tint on Tailgate & Rear Side Windows
- 80% Limo Tint on Rear Doors
- Max. Legal Limit % Tints on Front Doors
- Euro Style Wheels with Stretch Tyres
- Moonstone Blue Valeo Headlights
- Colour Coded Dash Centre Section

there will be more but that will happens after the cars on the road etc. But the list above are the main things.

All Comments & Suggestion Welcome.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:28 pm Up
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The car was delivered at home while I was at work and when I got home I saw it and immediately fell in love lol.

I set about stripping the car down to see how bad the damage was behind all the damaged parts.

As the car stood once I'd finished.



This is all the damage on the car;

Damage to the door and also the sill

Damage to the A-Post;

Passenger side light panel;

Kink in subframe. The kink' is causing the suspension to lean back against the sill.


Parts that are needed for the repairs;
- HDi Subframe
- Passenger Side Wishbone
- Passenger Side Tie Rod
- Bonnet
- Headlights
- Grille
- Bumper
- Wings
- Drivers Side A Post
- Drivers Side Sill
- Drivers Side Door
- A Post Plastic Strip

All Comments & Suggestions Welcome

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:28 pm Up
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I've recently bought a 206 GT Front Bumper (which are extremely rare to come by...lucky a chap I know had one who returned his car to standard). I wanted a GT front bumper as its longer then the standard bumper but felt that it would go nicely with the shape of the car and also the longer rear bumper.

Pics of the side profile of the bumper...just put on the car.



Also bought a pair of GTi 'Flared' Front Wings for the car from a GTi180. I wanted to go with the wider GTi wings then the standard wings or the GT wings as I'm looking to run wide wheels on the car and I didn't want problems with the wheels protruding the wings.


Won't really be able to tell the different between the two wings from that pic but the GTi wing does have a bulge in it to give it a more flared look to it.

I'm also looking at some coilovers for the car which I should hopefully have sorted out by the end of the week. Also Dad's picking up the mechanical parts needed to be fitted to the car so I move it around...making it easier to work on.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:29 pm Up
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Very Happy number what of 1??? hmmm. lol

glad to see youre getting the project thread back on the go man. ill need to get mine all done and back up. ill be looking forward to seeing the progress pics of the car again. built not bought to the extreme

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:29 pm Up
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I've decided that I want the black plastic that is at the top of the tailgate sprayed to the same colour of the car.


Also debadged the tailgate today;


When taking the lion of the tailgate I found that it was held in place by two prongs and left 2 holes in the bootlid Mad so I'm going to be spraying that up so that it matches the front badge in gloss black and put it back on.

Holes in tailgate;


I also stripped down the dash to remove the centre console which was looking abit sorry for itself.

So I'm going to rub that down and get them colour coded to the car.



Also got one of the badges that I sprayed up the other day and slightest messed up and rubbed down all the bits I've got together; the tailgate lion badge, dash centre, front lion.





Now that they are all rubbed down I am going to be getting them done in Gloss Black. Just waiting on a strip from Peugeot for the roof so I can do the lot all at once.

The centre console will not be getting done by myself unless I can get a moonstone blue can from halfords.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:30 pm Up
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Got the black vinyl strips off the car today. The handle in the rear door stands out like a sore thumb now but I am going to sort that all out. I'm having gloss black vinyl strips done for the doors and also going to be having the rear handles sprayed up in gloss black so they blend in.




Decided seeing as I still had abit of plastic primer and gloss black in the cans from doing my badges on the XSi I thought I'd have a look at what the boot badge looks like in gloss black.

In one coat of primer

one coat of gloss black

waited for it to harden up and took it and just put it into the hole to get this pics and I quiet like it.

The strip on the rear bumper which is going to also be done in gloss black.

taken off the bumper

I'm going to pop up to Halfords a little later on today to get my supplies of Plastic Filler Primer, Grey Plastic Primer, Gloss Black Paint & Clear Lacquer.

The badge has been rubbed back down to be done properly now that the decision of gloss black over satin black has been made.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:31 pm Up
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Got the wipers off with great stuggle and also the scuttle cover.


Then got the car up on axle.

Once up I got the wheels off and got some better pics of the damage to the subframe and passenger side suspension.

Kink in subframe (will get a comparison pic of the other side to show you the difference).

Tie rod snapped clean in half.

Then got the undertray off to find it's f****d so a replacement is going to be needed. Also have it a tidy up underneath removing all the mud that was stuck in there from the accident.


And this is how the car stood at the end of play today.


Dad's going to try and pick up all the bits needed and also arranging to pick up a coilover kit :D.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:33 pm Up
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Dad picked up the door he had bought from a scrappy so got that changed over. While he picked up the door he order the complete subframe setup.

New door on the car

Old door

Dad picked up the front subframe so that ready to be swapped over. Just need the inverted torx sockets for the bolts. Dad also bought the passenger half of the steering rack to replace the whole side over.


this pic shows you the difference between the two subframes showing how much damage has actually been done to the original one.


Also with alot of persuasion and also a helping hand from a hack saw I got the old broken tie rod off.


Ready for replacement to go on


More updates to come over the next couple of days.

Also looking at Porsche Design 90s as a possible wheel for the car. I'm really wanting 8Jx16" all round but might settle for a staggered set of 7J (front) & 8J (rear).

Custom PCD convertors are going to set me back £245 if I do have them.

While I'm looking at them I'm also looking at possible wheel colour etc...possibly gloss black and moonstone or grey and moonstone.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:33 pm Up
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Yeh there are updates...haven't been able to post anything up as I've been having problems with paypal so couldn't pay for the forum membership.

Anyway this is whats happened since the last update;

Well got the subframe changed over.


But found out when putting the wishbone back in the strut I found out that the driveshaft was fubared.


this halfs still in the gearbox

Also changed over the passenger side of the steering rack.
(need to upload pics)

Managed to borrow a socket to take the driveshaft bolt got the driveshaft out.


both ends out.

Waiting on my dad to pick up a replacement driveshaft and this car will be mechanically finished.

Since this's bought 3 different driveshafts each being fubared or the wrong ones even though we've told the scrapyard which one we need. Anyway were now waiting on getting the original repaired.

Also hopefully have a deal done on a set of wheels...all will be reveiled if all goes to plans.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:34 pm Up
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Bit of an update...

The original passenger side drive shaft + the other two drive shafts are now at Shelley Transmission in Wolverhampton to be built into one full working drive shaft. Dads had loads of work done from them in the past so shouldn't be a problem and should be ready for next week.

I'm also looking at various different colourway possibilities for the wheels I'm hopefully getting as the wheels have recently been involved in a hit and run incident where the insurance company has had them refurbed but the backs (which were the ones repaired) have not been finished in the same way.

Was looking at going sort of Moonstone Blue face with Satin Black accents (these will match the other satin black bits around the car) and a polished dish.

All comments and Suggestions welcome.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:34 pm Up
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Car is now on all fours Very Happy it's taken a while and a lot of f'ing and r'ing but it's ready to go to the bodywork...well once it's got the driveshaft tightened up and gearbox oil in.

But yeh Shelley charged my dad £20 to have the original driveshaft completely refurbed...BARGAIN :D. That was new boot, complete regrease, new abs tooth ring, and new ball bearing. Anyway got it home and got it fitted and got everything together and on all fours.

Refurbed driveshaft

Everything back together

On all fours


Passenger side wheels sitting how it should.

Going to get the gearbox oil in tomorrow and get the driveshaft tightened up. Then get the Rallye steel swapped over for the nimrod and give it a good clean over.

Hopefully should be getting some paint tomorrow and get on with some spraying with the badges etc.

All comments welcome.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:34 pm Up
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Some better pics of the car being on all fours.



Also got the rear dewipered today...took awhile but managed to get it done. Covered the hole up with electric tape for the time being but looking for a de wiper screw grommet big enough for the hole.



What does everyone think of the back end without the wiper?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:35 pm Up
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MAMs the word Very Happy :D Very Happy :D Very Happy



only pic at the moment...will get some more tomorrow when I've put the backs on so I can see how much I'm going to drop it by.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:35 pm Up
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Some pics of the wheels on the car.




Now that the wheels are on I am going to have to get some spacers to sit the back wheels out abit more on the arch...get the arches rolled aswell.

Will be doing a few photoshop to see what height looks best.

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