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Hey Jude: Sim's 2.0 HDi "Rust Away"
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:33 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 1172
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country

Hello all!

first couple of pages are done on a minimal budget with links to cheap yet still reasonable ebay items


Still TODO:
  • fix PAS hose leak for good with "ear" hose clamps [update: even after sourcing the most correct Clic-R 86 165 clip, it still leaks. Probably a split in the housing. Oct '19]
  • lineup exhaust with bumper cut-out
  • replace bent headlight surrounds
  • alloys do
  • good quality (not volume) audio system in every tone range, SilentCoat the bodywork shell
  • make her look as good as new all round
  • find shock absorbers (not coilovers) that would have adjustable damping and rebound (optional)
  • de-cat (will be a bold attempt to gut it without opening up, more like gynecologist job, interestingly because no-one tried that before). De-cat is needed to reduce the needless backpressure for a turbocharged engine, in prep for stage2 remap, or at least 125brake map [update: no longer relevant due to new MOT rules. May '19]

☑ 16" Nimrods (thanks Andrew!)
☑ straightened and de-rusted bent sill
☑ de-rusted under the aerial (interior, above roof lining)
☑ calipers and drums paint do
☑ 65mm stubby aerial, so boot opens without scuffing the spoiler (radio reception is now sh*te Neutral )
☑ top mount tower water damage do
☑ nippy 120brake remap @pro_steve's HDI-Tuning !
☑ new numberplates
AUX cable for stock cassette radio, also killing the noisy tape motor
☑ front bumper do
☑ AVOs rear shocks on, she now sits tighter on the road \o/
☑ endless exhaust alignments
☑ rear rustproven & undersealed with Dinitrol kit
☑ ~45mil drop on pezhdi's fully adjustable AVO coilovers, thanks matey for selling those!
☑ Coilovers are for track really, such a hard ride, that I got rid of the front ARB (made no difference)
☑ recon and fit disks rear axle from a GTi 138 of similar year (to avoid ABS comms problems, thanks @pro_steve for the tip)
☑ proper wash habit with 3 buckets and lamb's wool mitt
☑ 206 SW refurb disc axle from IMAxle (no sway bars)
☑ After driving around knew optimal height, ditched AVO coilovers
☑ Fitted Eibach lowering springs (30mm) and original shocks, ARB had to go back in
☑ FK Automotive smoke rear lights
☑ New windshield with grey top-tint

Original post:

Finally found time to write what kept me busy last two years, and what's still in store for her.

The 2.0 HDi W-plate I got in March 2012 was cheap, mint, sports bumpers, only 64k on the clock, doing 40mpg no remap, low on insurance; who could ask for anything more?

There was a catch -- problems.. No wonder they sold her Wink

She has been draining my pockets on suspension problems, top it up with two crashes on wet roads (yes, she's got the oomph and I haven't tamed the beast yet). I still managed to mod some bits (aiming for least money spent), so here it goes!

207's Monaco alloys with tyres from a friend at local garage (on a 206 looks like came off a truck :D)

The main problem was judder when braking, and when I finally found the cause and replaced the buckled wheel hub...

...crash! skidded into a Galaxy's ass..

Luckily, a friend quickly sourced needed bits from a phase 2:

Fun on the driveway:

I chose to stay with the old bumper with the horizontal grille: the hexagon ones look so out-of-place on a pug in my opinion -- read: front bumper strip has horizontal grille too ;P

Still lots and lots of bits waiting to be touched up/aligned/painted:

Got the silver bits quick-sprayed green...

...but ran into another unfortunate smack (again wet roads and myself an ole mucker driver, yet later found out that was a classic crash-for-cash trap using two cars -- always keep your distance fellows!! And only a fool breaks 2 second rule Wink ):

Put myself to refurb as much as I could. PlastiDip spray the bumper before/afters:


I figured you can spray PlastiDip even on top of old layers of it (just sand off a little bit the scratches and the peels), and the new layer will cover it all up.

Headlight replaced and front bumper strip cable-tied:

The painter friend ran out of paint, so couple of layers of tuscany green are missing, as well as the clear coat - leaving those for next time

Couldn't wait to meet some of 206info fellows at FCS'13, and that also meant the car has to look pristine.
Bought 50 profile tyres, and decided to spend a weekend spraying remaining layers myself, with cans from Halfords. Lessons learned:
DO IT ONLY IF YOU HAVE: I haven't any of the above, meaning that this:


Turned into a crazy green tabby Very Happy

I was "proud" only of the worst disaster - the tolerable under-bumper grille paint-do and the front bumper strip replacement from ebay matched KRU colour code just fine (not in the photo):

FCS was only 3 days away, so I decided to chip all in and the whole front respray got done by a professional (yes, he did it in less than 3 days, for £300, got myself waay out of pocket Smile )


Months later the car became quite roadworthy, so next investment was £20 spoiler bargain. Though something was rattling inside it, and once I drilled it a bit open and spent half-hour jerking the bugger, a tooth-sized filler chip came out:

PlastiDipped (good stuff, as 4 months passed - not even one chip after daily trips on M4!)

I went for bumper looks (black plastic) as that's my chosen theme -- standard pug with budget kinks:



The spoiler chipped a couple of times at the beginning, I dabbed some tiger seal carefully, and it's now unnoticeable.

So here's how Jude looks currently (October 2013)

Cheers mates, rate it or slate it Very Happy

2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)

Last edited by Sim on Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:11 pm; edited 38 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:43 pm Up
Loving the 206 Experience


Joined: Feb 10, 2010
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Location: Maidstone

coming along nicely (may want to stop crashing it though) i remember seeing this at FCS. My car got abandoned in the 206info stand for the day as i spent all my time in the euro paddock with my mate and his saxo... this year im determined to stay with my car Wink
Iv had:
1.1 106 - 1.4 206 sport - 206 GTi180 - Subaru impreza wrx - 1.6 206 XSI
Now : GTi 180 again - Build thread
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:52 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 1172
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country

Cheers man, going crash-free now by keeping foot off the accelerator Smile I remember your car as well good job! hope to boost mine for FCS'14
2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:17 pm Up
Loving the 206 Experience


Joined: Feb 10, 2010
Posts: 494
Trade Rating: +4
Location: Maidstone

mines changed alot since last years. iv just updated pics in the garage section actually. sooooo much to do before FCS this year though!
Iv had:
1.1 106 - 1.4 206 sport - 206 GTi180 - Subaru impreza wrx - 1.6 206 XSI
Now : GTi 180 again - Build thread
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:53 pm Up
Full on 206 Owner


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Looking good sim! Look forward to seeing it at FCS! I think we've all been busy with the pugs by the sounds of it haha
Grand tourisme #1146
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:17 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 1172
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country

Heya hush! Just seen your marmite vinyl wrapped, going great mate (finally :D), shame about the most precious GT bumpers bumped :/ keep us posted Smile and looking forward to FCS!
2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:01 am Up
Full on 206 Owner


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Location: newbury

Lol that wouldn't be my car bud, I've just painted and repaired it all. I have a massive amount of pictures etc to put into a build thread when I get the time ha.
Grand tourisme #1146
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:24 am Up
Staff - Moderator


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Well that car looks great,but it seems that you drive a bit fast on the,but the paint done by a prof. made the car looks great again,but since you got the plasti dip in black,I saw that the plastic roof rails need some of it Smile
My 206 Project-Pride & Joy
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:10 pm Up
Paid up Member of the Info Exchange


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Hey Sim, I recognised this car as I started to read further on! Hope to see you at FCS 2014
My 206 thread
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:39 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 1172
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country

Thanks for the Plasti-tip Timon Wink Awe car Andrew, hopes to see you around

And boom! This morning a 2.0 is being broken (or buy whole for £300) by deebee from Birmingham!

I would love to tow this baby home for spares (subframe and nimrods would fly in first), but this labour I didn't plan so soon, short on money and space at the moment to SORN it in the garage (but probably could prep something up..)

What could you fellows advise?.. BTW I could ask a mate to tow a SORNed car down on M5 (with metal bar probably, better no ropes hehe..) - is that legal?

Unsure if this car is taxed/MOTd/SORNed yet (waiting for answer from deebee), but if it's all roadworthy could take out insurance for one day..

Are there 2.0s being broken frequently you reckon? I might want to wait for a phase two multiplexed one.. Confused

2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:27 pm Up
Really Loves it Here


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on ebay there will always be one getting broken, but ill say that price is very good
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:28 pm Up
Loving the 206 Experience


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Location: Solihull

top effort on the crash repair:) paint work looks spot on!
GTi 180 owner!:)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:36 pm Up
Getting to like it here


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I love the colour!! Looks great
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:37 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
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Location: West Country

And they arrived!


Who spotted that something's wrong gets a pint Very Happy

So, afterwards they sent me the missing odd one, now I got a spare Smile

Hello babes!

And this is how old cheap ones used to get knackered Shocked :

It's driving mint now, no more pulling to the side!!! Twisted Evil

2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)

Last edited by Sim on Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:42 pm Up
206 Crazy


Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 1172
Trade Rating: +1
Location: West Country

Hey a colour-coded mate just found and contacted me about what to do on his car, time to update the thread:))

Doing the car up just before FCS was pleasantly hectic, staying up late, getting up early, also: never paint car parts-by-part, or it will not blend in! In progress of swapping a painted door to see it won't match colour;) Good it happened a week before FCS!

Also took Timon's advice and PlastiDipped roof rails a bit with blending gradually half-way. Also rear spoiler needed another layer to refurb:

Even FCS Saturday in the morning the car wasn't yet ready as I wanted, but with help of Andrew and Adam we finally set off, t'was an awesome day, thanks everybud!!

Here are some after-wash pix. Those are crystals oli_aspinall, everything else I keep phase 1. Why? Just because I can ('t afford otherwise Very Happy Very Happy ) :



And some natural bits, loving the green Smile On a roadtrip across Dorset:


2.0 HDi, year 2000 (E's restin')
Red GTi 180, year 2004 (VorTechS' sEXy Beast (being) remasteRed)
Blue GTi 180, year 2004 (in hibernation after endless driving fun in 2019, queued for "cambelt in tight spaces")
Missus' 1.6 16v CC, year 2007 (L-plates to P-plates to NO-plates, but now she wants powwer:))
£50 1.4 HDi, year 2002 (seatless transporter, SORNed, rust needs patching)
Jag S(crapped)- & X-Type
GTC VXR (sold)

Last edited by Sim on Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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