Joined: Jul 13, 2015 Posts: 1
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Hi lads !
I'm after a wiring diagram / schematic of my wee toy, as it encountered cpl of problems with electricals.
Radiators fan does not go on, causing the engine temp to raise to around 100degC in which case I turned the matrix fan to max @ max temp setting, and it helped for the time being.
Last night found that in the front of the radiator itself there are two relays of which one is responsible for turning the fan on, but its contacts and cables were completely rotten. So at some point this week I'll redo that to make it working.
The fan itself is working (shortened the relays contacts to test it)
Another issue is A/C that does not go on, but that may be to do with the above issue ? Further investigation needed.
Yet another problem is 'dead' RPM gauge... and for that one I need a diagram.
Where does it take signal from ? Is it alternator at all (does not look like) or is there a shaft sensor ?
Many thanks for any help.
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