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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:35 am |
Joined: Oct 23, 2015 Posts: 1
Trade Rating: 0
Location: Lanzarote
good afternoon... im brand new to here so bare with me
ok so goes to start car this morning and dash lights come on as normal however no turnover no start.. i cant tell if the starter motor is kicking in .. battery in good condition and all conections good.. we had a tropical storm last night and had to drive home and the roads were flooded so mabye this has caused an issue.. i am no mechanic and would really appreciate some ideas if possible
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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:10 pm |
Joined: Apr 14, 2010 Posts: 713
Trade Rating: +2
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
77Batteries mostly fail gradually, but not always. 'Cause it worked yesterday does not guarantee it hasn't failed...
Get an assistant to turn the key while you have the head under the hood to listen for the solenoid?
If you've got a voltmeter (otherwise a small 12V bulb can do) keep that on the battery terminals while trying to start to check that the voltage doesn't collapse. If it collapses -> battery
If it doesn't and no solenoid click -> fault probably somewhere 'upstream'
If it doesn't and solenoid clicks -> I'd suspect the starter.
Could be water having gotten somewhere, probably somewhere in what I call 'upstream', somehow preventing the signal to get to the solenoid. But the listen and monitor battery voltage is a quick, easy, and cheap way to eliminate some variables.
Another quick test: If you've got starter cables and could get the use of another car for a few minutes you could also eliminate the battery as a suspect that way.
Starts with 2nd battery hooked up? -> your battery. Doesn't start? -> fault very likely elsewhere than battery.
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| Silvermetallic 2004 206 RC | |
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Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:02 am |
Joined: Feb 10, 2010 Posts: 4266
Trade Rating: +4
Location: Palestine
Check fuses first...the one in engine bay.
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