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Introduction to

Welcome to
Welcome to the Peugeot 206 Info Exchange, the place to be for anything and everything 206 related. This is the 2nd generation website at our current home, and 4th generation overall.

The original site was created by a member named Nigel after he experienced some problems with his car. He started a small message board where all topics and posts were placed and read on a single page. As the Info Exchange grew and more 206 owners signed up, the site was moved to a proboards forum, and a forum structure similar to what we use now was set up. Again the site grew, and when the member numbers reached 1,400, site admin BigOl decided to start thinking of other options for improving the site and community. The decision was made to develop a completely new site with much more features and staff control, meaning no more adverts and much more content! The domain name was chosen and 206info was born. The site was largely unchanged for over 2 years, again growing in numbers, until a large software upgrade and new look brought us to here, the current Peugeot 206 Info Exchange.

We aim to provide a site that allows you to find out anything you need to know about your car, as well as get to know other drivers like you. We hope you enjoy using it, be sure to look around!
Getting Started
If you haven't done so already, the first thing you will need to do is sign up. You don't have to be a member to browse most areas of 206info, but you lose out on some valuable information if you don't. Signing up is FREE and takes seconds. Simply click the link at the top of the page to get started. Try to make the information you provide about your car model as accurate as possible, this will help other members discuss any issues relating to your 206, like problems or modifications.

Once you have signed up, you can start customising your account. You will want to have a display picture (known as an avatar) so that other members can easily recognise you. You can either chose one from our database, or link to one off site. (Avatars must be less than 100 x 100 pixels, and under 24kb). To change your avatar, just click it, it is displayed on the top menu bar.

Next job is to set up the site the way you want it to look. Areas of the left hand menu can be folded up and hidden if you do not wish to use them, simply click the white arrows to the left of the block headers (Latest Forum Topics etc) and the block content will toggle. If you don't really use the left menu much at all, you can click "hide menu" at the very top of the side bar, and the whole menu will fold away. You can easily get this menu back by clicking the button again. This option is often handy for users with smaller resolutions. Lastly you may want to adjust the width of the site. As default it is set to 75% screen width, but you can make it full screen by clicking the small buttons next to "Forums RSS" at the top right of the page.

Upon registering, you are automatically sent a private message to your inbox welcoming you to the site. You can access your private messages at any time by clicking your message status, which is displayed under the site title at the top right of the page.
Site Staff
We currently have 10 members of staff working on the site. The staff do a lot of work to make 206info run as smoothly as possible, with a lot of this going unseen by members! We are always happy to help with any questions or issues you have, so feel free to contact us by clicking any of the staff names below:

AJS - Technical Administrator
Chi - Administrator
M3RAN - Administrator
SAB206 - Administrator
Luke - Administrator
Adz - Administrator
Brian - Administrator
gti180lover - Administrator
Dillon - Administrator
Ste206 - Administrator
The Forums
The forums are arranged to make finding and posting information easy. One of the biggest problems staff have to deal with on the site is information being placed in the wrong area. Please try to post topics in the correct section, and be sure to read the forum guidelines in each section before posting.

Some areas of the forum have subforums, so be sure to check them out. Subforums can be found in Site Meets (with regional forums), 206 problems (with a solved problems and engine cut out area), FAQ (with a forum for identifying parts of your car and finding information on them), For Sale (with an Ebay section and Cars for sale section), and Free Chat (with an idle chit chat section for off topic chat to go. Messages here area automatically deleted after a week of inactivity).

Posting in the forums is just like posting in any other forum, its straight forward and easy. If you haven't done it before, just follow your nose, you will find your way. If you still have any problems, contact a member of staff and we will advise you.

General Forum Features:

Forums RSS feed - keep up with the latest forum activity even when you aren't on 206info by subscribing to our RSS feed. Simply click the Forums RSS button at the top right. If you are unsure what RSS is, read this guide from the BBC.
If you find a topic that you wish to quickly reply to, you do not need to click the reply button. At the bottom of each thread you will find a "Quick Reply" box, enabling you to type a message and add it to the thread in seconds.
Related Topics are displayed at the bottom of every thread, which can be handy if you are search for specific information. Be sure to have a good hunt around before posting asking questions, as it may have been covered previously.
There are many options in the forum to help you get the most out of the site content. If you wish to print a thread, just click the print button, if you wish to quote a member, just click quote at the top of their post. Its all fairly straight forward.
Any member that is online will have a small green online indicator under their avatar. This can be handy if you are looking to find someone to speak to quickly.

User Forum Features:

If you wish to no longer view messages in the forum from certain members, you can simply click the "ignore" button on any of their posts. This will filter all of their posts so that you don't see them, however you can easily undo this by clicking the "ignore users" button at the top of every forum page.
You may find certain topics in forum interesting, and wish to keep track of them. You can do this by clicking the "watch topic" button on a thread page. This will add it to your watch list, which you can access and edit by clicking "watched forums and topics" at the top of every forum page. You can also watch entire forum sections if you chose to.
If you wish to display pictures in the forum, we encourage you to host them on a picture hosting website such as or and then link to them. However if you need to, you can attach files to a post you make. Every member has an attachment quota so use what you have wisely.

Please remember - the site staff are there to do a job and we give our own free time to do so. We make no profit from 206info and ask that you respect the service we provide. Do not break site rules, as it will not be tolerated.

Idle Chat and post boosting is not allowed - please use the idle chat subforum in free chat or the shoutbox to do this.

The Garage
You will notice that the members car gallery section of the forum has been closed. This is due to the new garage section which is replacing it, and can be found at the top of every page.

To get started in the garage, click Create Vehicle. As you will see, you can enter all sorts of information about your car. Select the model/engine size/number of doors/trim from the drop down menus, then enter other details like colour. You don't have to enter any optional information that you don't feel comfortable giving, but the more you provide means the better our database is.

There are 4 categories of information you can then add to your car. These are Parts, Modifications, Dyno Runs (rolling road results), and Quartermile times.

The parts section is for adding information on any replacement parts you have bought, either for servicing or repair. You can provide details on where you purchased, prices, and photos.
The modification section is similar to the parts section, but its used only for non standard upgrades. Again, details and photos of each modification can be added.
The Dyno run and quartermile sections are self explanatory, you can even attach photos from the day of the event.

You can then view information from all members by clicking the links at the top of the page: Mod Table | Parts Table | 1/4 Mile Table | Dyno Run Table. The more information you provide, the better these tables are to browse. When browsing, you can filter specific cars/parts/modifications to find the information you want.

There is also an events section in the Garage, where things like Car Shows, Rolling Road days, Quartermile days etc can be advertised. (The site Meets Section can often be a more popular area for discussing these however).

As you add details to your car, you will most likely add businesses that you have purchased your parts from. These businesses are put into a catalogue which is accessible by clicking "Business" at the top right. You can give these businesses ratings and leave comments about them for other members to see.

Lastly, member feedback helps improve the community and keep things friendly. You can leave comments on any member's vehicle by signing the guestbook found on their car page.
Supporting 206info is provided to all members for free. We are a non profit site, however we do have to pay for hosting fees. As such, we open a donations block once a year. You do not have to donate and we ask that if you do, you keep it under £5, so that the site is not reliant on a single members contribution.

You can support 206info in other ways however - clicking "shop" at the top of the page takes you to an area where you can purchase site stickers (in a variety of styles and colours) or site merchandise.
Members map
Want to see which members are near you? Visit the members map (found on the right hand side of the home page, or in the Quick Nav menu on the left of most pages).

The map is provided by google maps software, so its easy to use. Adding your location is simple, simple find where you live, and double click on the map. The system will than ask you to confirm your location. Don't worry if you get it wrong, all you have to do is double click somewhere else to change it.

You will notice other members markers on the map. To view them, just click on them, and a bubble will appear with details and contact information.
Other key features
Other areas of the site which may interest you:

Site News - This can be found on the home page. You can rate articles and leave feedback if you wish to, or find related news by clicking on the topic category. Older news is archived and can be accessed in the Quick Nav menu.
Site Polls - This can also be found on the home page. At the right hand side you will see some quick links to sections, our surveys are found here. If you wish to request a new survey, simply pm a member of staff or discuss it in the forum.
Site Links - We now have a dedicated section for links to other sites. These are categorised into sub sections so that you can easily find what you are looking for. You can submit your own links here, as well as vote and leave feedback on existing ones.
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